Friday, September 27, 2013

Portrait/Figure Series. Mount Olive College. 2007.

"Last Dance" is a painting based on the spirituality and culture of the native Americans and Latin Americans in the time before the Europeans. I was reading a great book called "1491" about the history of the Americas before Columbus. The painting is more of a mixed media piece as it is mostly a charcoal and chalk drawing with some paint. It was 4' x 6'.  I think at the time it was one of my strongest works, but now I see it as yet another step in my development. 

Small ink sketch for "last Dance." In some ways I think I executed this better than the larger work.

"Triple Self-Portrait."  I think this was from an assignment to use repetition. I used the repeated images of the cup and myself. This is more of a mixed media drawing with paint. 

Detail from a portrait the class did of one of the grounds keeper/maintenance man John at Mount Olive College. This was a full on painting, as opposed to the  other paintings here. I learned a lot from making this painting. I remember figuring out how to paint the trees and leafs while driving back and forth school and home. I observed the light acting on the trees. I am fortunate I didn't crash. The flesh tones clothes were a challenge too, but I think they turned out well. The most difficult part for me was the truck. I have never been one to draw vehicles and I struggled with it the most I think. That is why it looks a little off.  Overall, I think it turned out well. 

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