Friday, September 27, 2013

Painting Studios. ECU. circa 2000.

 The first painting is "Angels vs. Balloons." I think it was supposed to be allegorical. I can't recall. I made these angels designs based off of some doodles I made while I was taking notes in some other class. I don't know where the idea came from, it just kind of happened.

The second painting is "In the Garden of Eden, Monkeys Helped God make Man." This painting was a building process. At first I didn't have much of an idea of what I wanted to do content-wise. I had this problem a lot when I was younger. I would have either concepts I was unable to complete or no concept at all. During the process of this painting I was listening to the Pixies a lot, and took an idea from "Monkey Gone to Heaven." So I guess in a way I was trying to reconcile Evolutionist and Creationist thought.

 The third painting is a self-portrait with a cane. This is one of those classic "night-before-crit" paintings many of us have done in art school. I really pulled it out of my...tail end, and the instructor made note of that during the crit. He liked it though, so all was well.                                                            

The forth painting was from a POP art assignment. I found this panel in a beat up old Justice League of America comic from the 1960's. In the story, the heroes are swept away to another planet and blasted with a ray that takes all there powers. This panel stuck out to me. The text on it's own, without the context of the story, is so very un-Superman-like. The pose seemed like a shrug, lacking in the confidence which Superman carries himself. I think I was feeling that at the time. I think I identified with this "in name only" idea. I had all these ideas of who I was supposed to be, but was still trying to figure myself out. I had all these ideas and things I had grown up with, and was being exposed to new ideas and things so very different from my background. Cultures and ideologies clashing and crashing together and me, powerless, stuck in the middle. This is all clear in retrospect, at the time I was in the trenches of that war. But I made out alive; battered, bruised, and a little bit wiser.

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