Friday, September 27, 2013

Life/Figure Drawing. SWOSU, 1995-96.

A few pieces from my Life and Figure Drawing classes I took at South Western Oklahoma State University in 1995-96.   They are done in charcoal, ink, white charcoal and pastel. I really enjoyed these classes, as drawing and painting people is what I like do do the best. I had spent a lot of time in my youth drawing overly muscled men with the dream of being a comic book artist. This was the first time I drew from a live model. I remember being slightly nervous when the class began, thinking it might be difficult to focus and concentrate with a live nude model...particularly a nude female model. But that wasn't the case. The only nude model we had was a guy named Terry. He was a good model, and I was the only one in class that would actually draw his genitals. Everyone else seemed to find it difficult.

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