Friday, September 27, 2013

Circles Series. Goldsboro. 2009.

These are three paintings I did in early 2009. Each is 4' x 4' on Masonite with a wood backing frame.
 It had been a little over a year since I had final graduated from college(s) and had done very little art-wise during that time. I decided I wanted to paint again and I wanted to do something different from what I had previously done. That meant pure abstraction. I took three large paintings that I was less than pleased with and painted over them. They were political in nature. I wanted to move past that and explore new ideas. I did these in the spring of 2009 in the back of my comic shop. Doing these spurred me on to paint more and ushered in a wave of art making where I made over 60 paintings in about three months time. These are the paintings the launched me into becoming a painter and not just an artist who draws with paint. 

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